Handshake design

I supported Handshake’s internal design and marketing teams, taking on a range of tasks from presentation design, long-form whitepapers and playbooks, social ad graphics, infographics, template creation, and more.

Presentation design

Template design

I designed and implemented a Google slides template for the Handshake team. As a part of this process I audited previous decks to create use case slides, worked with the design team to approve initial layouts based on the updated branding, and pressure tested layout functionality as we rolled out beta versions of the deck.

This 250 page+ template helped streamline design across the company, and helped relieve the workload of the internal design team.

Day-to-day work

I served as the go-to designer for complex and quick-turn presentation design needs across Handshake’s teams. I was frequently tasked with plussing up important pitch decks and turning info-dense slides into easily digestible snippets.

Content design


I helped the team lay out a series of playbooks promoting and explaining a series of different Handshake service offerings.

White papers & PDFs

I also designed a variety of different white papers, info sheets and one-pagers, case studies and document templates for the team.

Social ad + post design

Ad design

I worked with Handshake’s content and marketing teams to concept ads for LinkedIn placements. My unique creative approaches and designs helped improved ad performance in A/B testing.

Unsorted goods

Cookbook infographic

Every year, Handshake puts together a company cookbook, filled with employee recipes and fun facts to accompany them. For this edition, I was tasked with turning a set of polls into a tasty set of infographic culinary hot takes.

Support awards badges

I created this series of badges for Handshake’s Annual Support awards. Badges were distributed to employee winners digitally in different formats so they could display them on LinkedIn or as Slack profile photos. 


The Weather Company


Delta email design system